
Our Distinctives


Christ-Centered Education

Christ is the center of every class because He is the center of every aspect of our lives. Our Christ-centered approach provides a foundation for a biblical worldview and moral values, helping students know “what they believe” and “why they believe it”. Psalm 1:1-6

The Book of Proverbs states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Proverbs 1:7)” and “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. (Proverbs 9:10)” Wisdom and knowledge begin with the fear of the Lord; therefore, studying God’s Word is essential in education. To put God’s Word at the center of education means more than memorizing a Bible verse for the year or attending a weekly chapel service. We aim to see the beauty of God’s perfect design and order in science and mathematics. We see the connection to God’s bigger story when we read classic literature. We study logic and reason, learn to become persuasive and compelling communicators, and seek to grow students in their relationship with Jesus as Savior. According to Patch Blakely, Executive Director of the Association of Classical Christian Schools, “While there is cause to rejoice when Christian parents recognize the benefits of a classical education, it is insufficient unless that classical education incorporates the Lord Jesus Christ as preeminent in all subjects.”

Classical Instruction

We are committed to the classical education model, which has fantastic results in developing students who seek truth, goodness, and beauty in the world around them. Philippians 4:8

Rooted in the ancient world of Greece and Rome, classical education has been the primary educational method used throughout Western Civilization. Many classically educated men have greatly influenced culture, including Augustine, John Calvin, George Washington, John Wesley, G.K. Chesterton, and C.S. Lewis. Classical education focuses on liberal arts; it includes timeless works of history, literature, and poetry and provides a historically substantive and rigorous education drawing deeply from the history and culture of Western civilization. Classical education also aims to recover the “lost tools of learning,” teaching students in accordance with their natural inclination and curiosity for each age and stage of childhood and teenage years. It is no surprise that classical education has resurged in popularity in the last few decades as more parents are returning to the timeless pedagogy of classical education.

Community Focus

Every student deserves an environment to be known, loved, and challenged. Consistent teachers, small class sizes, and parental involvement foster a community of friendship and achievement. Our community extends beyond the student and implores families to intentionally provide a community which is more than verbal support for their Christian ethics and values. In doing so, the parent also finds a community of support through other parents of the same values, supporting each student’s development from multiple avenues. We believe every parent and every student has a responsibility in building a culture to develop the affections, thinking, viewpoints, and virtues of a Christian worldview.  1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

It is easy for teenagers to become a face in the crowd. We know that every face has a name, and every name has a story, and we seek to know that story and love that face! With a smaller environment, we will have time to focus on understanding each student. Our limited use of technology in our program will set students up for more peer-to-peer interaction, fostering community and friendships. Our smaller community will also allow students of all ages and grades to interact and learn from each other. “Friendship halves our sorrows and doubles our joys.” -J.C. Ryle

Community extends beyond our classroom, and families play an integral role in shaping community. As we lock arms and move forward  together seeking wisdom, truth, and goodness for our children, they will benefit from  a team of people investing in their souls.

Collaborative Partnerships

Partnerships with parents, leaders, businesses, and the greater community are essential for Arise Classical Academy. The collaboration of the gifts and talents of others will provide students with opportunities and growth in the classroom and beyond. Romans 12: 12-26

Parents are the primary influence in the life of their student. Success for students will only happen if parents are involved. While we work to provide instructional time, parents are required to help students complete assignments and are ultimately the authority over their child’s education. We value the many gifts and wisdom our parents have to offer their students and our community. Likewise, we cherish relationships and collaboration with community leaders, churches, and businesses which help support our educational goals.